東光禅寺「白山坐会」オンライン 令和6年12月10日(火)21時~ / Zazen session online via Zoom on 10th of December, 2024
*English follows.
【東光禅寺「白山坐会」オンライン】 (原則、毎月第二火曜日21時より)
●参加無料(ご喜捨、ご寄付をご希望の方は、オンライン決済サービス Paypal よりクレジットカード等を使用しご送金頂けます。info@tokozenji.or.jp にて検索ください。お気持ちに心より感謝申し上げます)
● お申込み方法 下記URLよりお申込みフォームをお送りください。自動返信メールにて当日の参加情報をお送りいたします。
20:50 待機室オープン
21:00-21:10 ご挨拶、簡単な坐り方の説明、打板
21:10-21:25 坐禅(15分間)
21:25-21:40 休憩とお話
21:40-21:55 坐禅(15分間)
21:55- 読経、ご挨拶
●Web会議ツール Zoom を使用します。
●用意するもの 座布団、枕のようなクッション、飲み物など。
坐禅をやってみよう(別冊Discover Japan「現代に活きる禅の力」より抜粋)
動画 坐禅のすわり方【ZENzine/禅人】より
【Tokozenji Zazen session online via Zoom】
Next session : Tuesday, 10th of December, 2024, 9pm-10pm (Japanese standard time.)
*Generally the sessions will be held on second Tuesday in every month.
Admission : Free
(Your donation to support our sessions is welcome and greatly appreciated. Donations can be made via Paypal. Please search for info@tokozenji.or.jp)
Registration : Please register via the URL below. The meeting information will be sent you back automatically.
8:50- Zoom waiting room open
9:00-9:10 Zazen explanation, striking the Han
9:10-9:25 1st Zazen session
9:25-9:40 Break and talk
9:40-9:55 2nd Zazen session
9:55- Sutra chanting, winding up
・Things to prepare: Zabuton (a square cushion) or other small cushion like a pillow ; a chair and a drink if needed.
・Participation sitting on a chair is also OK.
・Please sit a little distance from your computer and try to get your whole body, or upper body, into the screen.
・At the end of the session, we will read one short sutra (reciting meditation). Please read over the file attached below, “The Four Great Vows”.
・You can join and leave freely during the sessions.
・It will be held both in Japanese and English.
・An article for reference in “The Japan News”.
・An article for reference in “The Japan Times”.
・A guide of “how to practice zazen” (with English subtitles), introduced by Nanrei Yokota, the abbot of Engakuji temples in Japan. Engakuji temple is one of the head temples of the Rinzai school Buddhism.