動画「薬師如来の祈り」を制作しました。 A short video – “A Prayer to YAKUSHI NYORAI – The Buddha of Medicine and Healing”

新型コロナウィルス感染拡大の恐怖が世界全体を覆っています。 様々な不安や苦しみを受け止め、人々の健康や病気の回復、安心をもたらす仏として古くから信仰を集める薬師如来。 その薬師如来を本尊に持つ東光禅寺より、お寺にお参りになった気持ちで少しでも安らぎを感じていただけるよう、東光禅寺より心ばかりの「祈り」をお届けします。

We uploaded a short video.
“A Prayer to YAKUSHI NYORAI – The Buddha of Medicine and Healing”




「卻瘟神呪(ぎゃくおんじんしゅう)」  疫病・伝染病を退ける神呪(じゅもん)

「薬師如来真言」  本来は人の言葉では表すことのできない、薬師如来の真実の声


YAKUSHI NYORAI, the Buddha of Medicine and Healing, has been the principal image of worship at Tokozenji for more than 800 years, watching over the health and safety of people everywhere.
This short video is a prayer from Tokozenji.
Through this video, we would like you to feel as if you are visiting Tokozenji, meeting YAKUSHI NYORAI and here praying with us for an end to this pandemic.
With the divine protection of the Tokozenji Buddhas,
may we be calm and free from fear.
May we show care for our bodies and minds.
May we cherish compassion for others.
May we appreciate each moment of each day and feel gratitude for the people around us.
Above all, may we safeguard our lives and the lives of those we love.
May all who have lost their lives rest in peace.
May all who have fallen ill quickly recover.
We express our gratitude to all those serving on the front lines of the pandemic.
*The sutra chanted in the video, ‘Gyaku on Jin Shu’, is a prayer for recovery and cure from all disease.
*The second sutra, ‘Shingon’, is a blessing of healing from YAKUSHI NYORAI.